It's that time of year again. The air is cooler, the leaves are falling, kids are back into the swing of school's time for that annual flu shot. Just as I encourage adhering to the recommended vaccination schedule for both children and adults, I encourage getting your annual flu vaccination. My Top Reasons for Recommending the Flu Vaccine: #1 To help protect yourself from the flu. Seasonal influenza, or "the flu" is caused by influenza viruses that infect the respiratory tract (nose, throat, lungs). Unlike many other viral infections such as the common cold, the flu can cause severe, life-threatening complications in many people.
#2 To help protect others from the flu. You can transmit the flu to others for about 1 day prior to showing symptoms and for a week after becoming sick. This is particularly important when thinking about those of us in the community who are at greater risk for complications (older, younger, etc) as well as those of us who are unable to get the vaccine ourselves (infants younger than 6-months of age and those with life-threatening allergies to the flu vaccine). #3 To help protect yourself from having a heart attack. No, really. A recent meta-analysis, which assessed 6,400 heart disease patients showed that those who received a flu vaccination had SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER risk of heart attack or stroke.
Frequently asked questions:
General reminders about the flu:
And to round out the discussion just a bit, I agree there are many other measures we can take to help protect ourselves from contagious diseases such as: eating well, getting enough sleep, managing our stress, covering our coughs and washing our hands regularly. Still, I believe vaccinations are an important part of disease prevention. Health Suite 110 carries Flulaval, a quadrivalent (4 strain) flu vaccine and is available to members ages 6 months and over for $25. Contact clinic to schedule your flu vaccine today! Wishing you a happy and healthy fall season with family and friends, Dr. Vannaman
January 2021